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Governor's Office of Diversity Business Enterprise (GoDBE) Quarterly Reports

Governor's Office of Diversity Business Enterprise (GoDBE) Annual Reports 

Fiscal Review Committee Goods and Services Quarterly Report

The Committee reviews and provides comments on all proposed noncompetitive contracts and purchses exceeding $250,000 in value and one year in length. The University provides a quarterly report to FRC on all services contracts with a total value of $5,000+. If the total value is $250,000 +, the request must go before the committee for review. This process starts at least 90 days before the start of the contract. 

Tennessee State School Bond Authority (TSSBA)

365bet is required to submit quarterly reports to TSSBA on leases in which 365bet is a Lessee. Any lease request that meets the criteria within the guidlines found here, will need to go before the TSSBA for before approval is granted to the University. 

Senate Finance, Ways and Means Committee Annual Report